Monday, February 24, 2014

Thriving Among Change

The world is constantly changing, and figuring out how to thrive among change has been on my mind quite a bit.

At some point we'll find ourselves in a bit of a tight spot, or we may have already been in our share of tight spots. We can't undo the past, but we can choose the future. We choose the future, because we are in control of how we will respond and who we will be among the change.

Monday, February 3, 2014

books I've used in real life

For my humanities 101 class I spent an evening in the library reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet. It was excruciating. Not because of the plot or style, but because I had to sit for three hours straight speed reading. I had to tap my toes and bounce my knee just to keep myself sitting. When I finished the play, I checked off that I’d read it before class and left the library. I still don’t know what happened in Hamlet. I read it too quickly to absorb any of the plot and all I can remember was what is referenced in Freaky Friday. The last time I watched the movie I was like, “there was a ghost?” Apparently this is important to the plot.